Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Boosting control of networked load banks during testing of backup generators can improve accuracy and efficiency

When testing backup generators at a hospital, data center, or other facility where uninterrupted power is critical, using a mix of networked smaller load banks can provide more flexible test capability. That flexibility can help optimize testing efficiency and productivity. Advantages of load controllers that can monitor and control networked load banks located locally or up to several hundred feet away include:

  • using smaller load banks, which makes it easier to get test capacity into space-restricted areas, eliminating the need for long cable runs from large, street-based load banks
  • when testing multiple networked load banks, a controller that can monitor and control vary, accept or reject the loads on a single unit can save time

 A controller that also enables the user to test a single load bank locally enables the ability to monitor temperature at a specific server rack location to determine how an HVAC system reacts to temperature changes.


What features are important to you when using multiple load banks to test backup generators?

1 comment:

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