Thursday, November 3, 2016

Tips for maximizing reliability of newly commissioned EPSS

For critical facilities where backup power is essential, there are certain steps good to follow after commissioning a new EPSS. Following them will help preserve all the intellectual property which documents the design, factory witnessed testing, installation, and site-benchmarking associated with the commissioning of a facility’s emergency power supply system. Maintaining up-to-date records for ready access is, indeed, a very important and necessary step in the overall process of protecting the facility and helping ensure maximum efficiency in the operation of the facility whenever emergency power comes into play. Here are a couple of tips:

  1. Throughout the useable lifetime of the system, because programs may be modified, capacity increased, and/or control set points adjusted, it is important to put into place a strict revision control policy that documents all changes and updates all media accordingly.
  2. Just as data center operators maintain mirrored operating systems, data files and facilities, so too should intellectual property related to the EPSS be treated, with redundant architecture established in house or off site. For example, a web-based service such as M.C. Access (a virtual building reference depository residing on a secure server accessible from anywhere in the world via the internet) would allow viewing of virtual representations of equipment physical location, nameplate and specification data by authorized personnel regardless of their location.
  3. It is important to maintain contact with your vendor, contractor & consulting team that designed, engineered, manufactured and commissioned your EPSS so when your maintenance vendor shows up to service or repair the EPSS, technical information of record is available.
  4. Maintain & audit a spare parts inventory list that contains the part description, application, manufacturer, manufacturer's part number & sources.
  5. Post – and keep up to date - a graphic one line diagram of the EPSS at the system controls or building operations office and keep it up to date. This would give a quick overview of the entire system for routine operations and in an emergency.

Any other suggestions you feel are important to note when aiming for reliability of the EPSS?

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